CV Dr.-Eng. Marian Krol


Linde Engineering (1990-2021)
Expert for storage systems


Convenor of German Mirror Committee (2015-2021)
Instalation and Equipment for Liquified Natural Gas


Convenor of CEN/TC 282 WG5
"Instalation and equipment for Liquified Natural Gas - Design of onshore installations" EN1473:2021


Convenor of ISO/TC 67 SC9 WG5 (work stoped 2018)
"Guidance for conception, design and testing of LNG storage tanks" ISO/AWI TR 18624


Convenor of German Mirror Committee (2015-2021)
Flat Bottom Tanks, EN 14015, EN 14620, EN 1993-4-2


Project Leader EN 14620 Part 6 & Part 7 for CEN 265 WG10 (2015-2021)

Tanks for storage of liquefied: oxygen, nitrogen, argon, other non-hydrocarbons and ammonia


Member of steering committee ISO TC 67 SC9
"Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) installation and equipment"


Member of Membrane Task Force for NFPA 59A:2019
"Standard for the Production, Storage and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)"


The Linde Group Patent & Innovation Award 2009





  • Doctor of Technical Sciences Wroclaw University of Technology
    Institute of Power Engineering and Fluid Mechanics
  • Master of Science Moscow Institute of Energetics
    (Technical University)
    Nuclear Power Technology


Professional qualification

Concepts, design, technical menagement

  • storage and loading facilities for liquefied gases
  • large cryogenic tanks for liquefied gases, especially LNG
  • pressurized spheres and large bullets for cryogenic liquids
  • low pressure high temperature tanks for solar plants